Sak pase everyone! I hope you all had wonderful weeks, and
happy fourth of july! (almost)
We did all of our usual errands and emailing and stuff, and
then we decided to go explore cabbage beach some more. Let me tell ya, when you
decide to nap on a beach in the bahamas, you'd better make sure you put
sunscreen on before you nap. Let's just say my legs have some sweet awkward tan
lines haha.
Monday evening after P-Day had ended, Sister Rampersad and I
were driving to do FHE with a less active family in the branch. I was driving
down the road when a big scary police man waves me down. So I pull over, and
roll down the window, and he's like "Excuse me, miss. But did you know
it's illegal to drive with a crack in your windshield?" Which I did know
and I can't lie so I told him I did and we tried to explain it was a mission
car so we had no control over what happened with the maintenance and stuff, but
he wasn't buying it. He was going to write me a ticket for driving with a
cracked windshield when I pulled out the whole handy dandy crying trick. So
Sister Rampersad and I are sitting in the front seat crying and apologizing and
it made him uncomfortable haha so we got off without a warning even! Score one
for the sisters. So that was good. The only downside is that President Brown
told us we aren't allowed to drive that car anymore and we still don't have our
new cars, so we were walking all week. But it's okay because I learned so many
lessons from it!!
We woke up, did studies, walked an hour to Gethro's house,
and taught a lesson. Then Sister Reid (bless her soul) took us to our next
appointment in Rockcrusher (which is like a two hour walk from Gethro's house
so it was a huge blessing!) Then we left that appointment and we had to go to
Baintown, which is like another thirty minute walk, and it was blazing hot. As
we were walking along the road, another member of the branch pulled up and said
she just had a prompting to drive down this road! So she picked us up and took
us to our next appointment. Definitely a tender mercy!! We taught a less active
family, and were able to teach two more lessons before we had to walk one and a
half hours (ALL the way across the island) to our dinner appointment.The member
that fed us drove us home, which was yet another tender mercy. The Lord really
does look after us!!
We had zone meeting at the church, so we walked there and
hung out there for most of the day. It was such a good zone meeting! Exactly
what I needed to hear this week... I've been working so hard on applying
everything we learned to my teaching and my overall attitude here! We walked to
Wilkin's house, taught him a lesson, he taught us a little more creole, and
then dear darling Lisa picked us up and took us to her house for dinner! We did
a lesson with her and Andrew, and then they drove us home!
We also wrote our own version of the I'll make a man out of
you song from Mulan. It's now officially about missions and how hardships make
you stronger (hence the subject of this email haha)
I'm going to be completely honest with you. I don't really
remember what happened on Thursday. I know some members helped us out and drove
us to a lot of our appointments, but it sort of just blends in with the rest of
the days this week haha. The only noteable thing that happened was that we
figured out how to take a bus (or jitney or coaster depending on what you call
it)! The jitneys here are more like taxis... you stand on the road and hail
them, and they pick you up and run a semi-regular route. So we hailed a jitney
and then once we were on it, we realized we didn't know how to get off haha.
Because there's no like set bus stops. We also realized we didn't really know
where it was going. We asked someone and they told us to just yell bus stop and
it stops, so that's good. So we developed a fool proof system to taking a bus
in Nassau.
Step 1. Hail a bus. Pray it's the bus you need.
Step 2. Get on the bus. Pray that you can find a seat.
Step 3. Ride the bus. Every time you reach a corner, pray
that the bus turns the way you need to go.
Step 4. Realize you need to pay the bus driver. Pray that
you have enough random change in your bag to pay the bus fare.
Step 5. Yell "bus stop!" as loudly and as
ghetto-ish as you can. Pray that the driver listens to you.
Step 6. Run to the front of the bus, give your fare to the
bus driver, and pray that you can get off before he starts driving again.
So there you have it! How to ride a bus in the Bahamas.
Basically it's just a test of faith and prayers. But we usually get pretty
close to where we need to go, so it's a very good thing!!
Friday we normally have superplanning all morning, but we
had to go to the insurance place to get insurance sorted out for the new cars.
We had to go with President Ferdinand (the best branch president in the world!)
because apparently we aren't old enough to buy insurance. #babies Haha.
So we got that all sorted out, and then went home to do
superplanning. By the time we finished it all, we just had enough time to walk
to the church to do correlation meeting with the best branch mission leader
ever. He and his wife took us home, and we ordered pizza for dinner to
celebrate everyone's month marks!!
Saturday was another day full of walking and adventurous bus
rides. We taught some people the gospel, ate some jerk chicken, and that was
about it! Saturday morning I prayed that we would meet someone who had been
taught by the missionaries before, and viola! We did! We were just about to
walk home when a cute little old lady called us over and started talking to us.
Turns out she'd been taught by the missionaries like 40 some years ago. She
doesn't really remember anything about the church, but she wants to learn more
from us! Prayers are answered, you guys! The Lord is so mindful of us and He
really does listen!
Sunday we went to church and man oh man was it a good
church! Brother Dinkleman taught an AMAZING lesson on learning from spiritual,
physical, and emotional trials. We sat in on the youth sunday school class, and
I don't think I've ever seen a group of crazy teenage boys sit that quietly for
that long. The spirit was so strong! After church, the lovely Sister Ballard
dropped us off at the Dinkleman's house for our weekly Sunday dinner. Then
Brother Dinkleman took us to our afternoon appointment. We taught two of our
recent convert boys how to teach the plan of salvation, and it was so fun
hahah. We acted the whole thing out, and it was just a really good, fun lesson.
Then brother dinkleman, being the wonderful man he is, picked us up and dropped
us home for the night! And so ended our week!
This week, I spent a lot of time thinking about the
pioneers. They walked for miles and miles and miles in freezing snow and
burning heat to get to somewhere that they had no idea what it would be like.
They endured death, starvation, all kinds of sicknesses, and persecution
because they had an undying faith in their Savior Jesus Christ. They had a sure
knowledge that this is truly the restored gospel, and that the teachings and
ordinances in this gospel are the only way to get back to our Father in
Heaven. After thinking about all of this all week, I think I'm more fully
beginning to understand what this mission is all about. It's so not about me or
the little things I think are important. It's not about the sore feet or the
bug bites or the sunburns. It's all about Jesus Christ and what He did for each
and every one of us. It's about the fact that He gave His life for us so that
we could return to live in the presence of our Father in Heaven. It's about
learning Christlike attributes. It's about serving the Lord with all of our
heart, might, mind and strength, and leaving every single last worldy thing
behind. It's about learning to give your entire heart to the Lord, not just for
the time you're set apart as a missionary, but for the rest of your life. Missions
are amazing. People's lives change every day because of the gospel of Jesus
Christ, and although I still feel inadequate to represent my Savior at times, I
know that I have been called as a disciple of Jesus Christ, and if I give my
entire heart to this work and work harder than I ever thought possible, He will
give me the strength to accomplish whatever tasks I find set before me.
I love this gospel so much, and I love you all so much! Hold
to the light of Jesus Christ. He will be the strength that we need to endure
whatever trials we face. Not just endure them, but endure them with patience
and happiness.
"Behold, we count them happy which endure." -James
Have a fantastic week everyone! I love you all!
Sister Oman
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9 months, 13 months, 16 months, and 2 months! Our little
happy district :)
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